Compositionally, there were some fantastic moments, especially when the float carrying quarterback Eli Manning, and defensive end Michael Strahan trundled by. They passed a storefront which advertised "Clothing Bargains for Millionaires"... but in my shot, the name got truncated to "Gains for Millionaires" with the two men showing off the Vince Lombardi Trophy for the crowd. It was an interesting juxtaposition, and surprisingly fortuitous. It's important to notice these little details, as they can add extra, or unintended context to the shot.

Then there was the moment when the Giants of Yore floated on by. Just as they passed where I was standing, they all brandished the commemorative Superbowl Victory newspaper. One of them looked right at me with the most incredible grin on his face. It seemed to be a deliberate act, just for my camera. I wish I knew who he was, because I love this image, and it's his look which makes it work.

Then there was the moment I saw these children with their parents, clearly financial workers, behind the screened off windows of their office building. I thought it looked rather snooty at the time... an us versus them attitude to the rest of the crowd outside, but given the banking meltdown that began to unfurl just a short period later, it lends a whole new context to the image.
Then there was the mess... paper was flying, and lying everywhere... draped upon the buildings, on the streets, hanging from the stop lights, and even covering the graves in a local church. An army of street cleaners moved in to remove it all as soon as the parade had ended, ... it was an impressive display of the city in action... coupled with the enormously heavy police presence.

The following images show some of the street scenes with police and fans... hope you enjoy the mayhem. It was a fascinating event to witness.

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